If your Bilt Mastercard was issued on or after March 28, 2022, you'll need to create a Wells Fargo account in order to manage your Bilt Mastercard, make payments, and set up autopay. This does not mean you’re opening a new checking account. You’re simply creating a username and password so that you can log in and manage your card. Once you've done so, you'll be able to log in with those credentials.
If you haven’t enrolled with Wells Fargo yet, let’s start there. In the Bilt app:
- Select the Wallet tab > Bilt Card
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Go to Wells Fargo
- Tap the menu (three lines in the top right corner)
- Tap Enroll
Once you’ve done so, you’ll follow these steps to set up autopay for your Bilt Mastercard. In the Bilt app:
- Select the Wallet tab > Bilt Card
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Go to Wells Fargo
- Log in with your Wells Fargo username and password
- Tap Bilt Word Elite Mastercard at the top of the screen
- Tap Make Payment
- You'll see a pop-up that prompts you to add a non-Wells Fargo Account so you can make payments online
- In the 'From' drop-down select your checking account and in the 'To' drop-down select your Bilt World Elite Mastercard’
- After doing so, the ‘Frequency’ dropdown will appear, which is how you’ll set up autopay