We offer renters at select Bilt Alliance properties the option to pay their rent by personal check or with cash using MoneyGram®.
Note: These payment options are not eligible to earn rewards
Pay with cash
1. To send your payment via MoneyGram®, find a kiosk at a participating MoneyGram® location and use the company name and receive code below to fill out your transaction details: |
Company name: Bilt Rewards | Receive code: 19226 |
(Payment processes may vary depending on your location. Ask an associate for help)
2. To identify yourself as the payment sender, provide your unique Biller Account Number found on the Bilt Rewards website:
To Pay with Check:
1. Head to the Pay Rent tab and at the top of the tab, click the vertical ellipsis [⋮] located at the upper right corner
2. Select Check Payments and use the on-screen details to fill out your personal check